My Review:It's taking me a moment to step back from this book and find words. And hopefully I choose the right ones to express my feelings properly. Kat and I don't only share a nickname, but a darkness we've had to walk through. By no means did we walk the same path, but if I didn't have God in my life, I know I would have. And that's a hard truth to bear. But this isn't about me. This book is a shining example of a life-altering story. The characters are flawed and realistic and well-rounded, and this story touched me in a way a book hasn't in a long time. It's raw, real, and engaging, and I guarantee you will see a little of yourself in the main character, even if you haven't experienced what she has. Honestly, there were a few times I had to take a breather because what I was reading would bring back memories that haven't completely healed yet, but it only added to my fondness for the story and characters. The fact that people would judge Kat before they heard her out struck a chord in me, especially because I’m a girl. People can be cold and cruel, and a lot of people are good at lecturing instead of listening. I know what it feels like to be suffocated by someone who's just trying to help, but I also know what it's like to be ignored by someone you wish would just listen. It’s a terrifying feeling being trapped in someone’s grasp, and it’s even more terrifying to stumble without anyone to catch you. The ending made me smile. The message, the decisions... it made everything worth it. Bad decisions don’t define you, they just help you grow. And when you’re ready to change, when you’re ready to stop barreling at high-speed for your ending, or when you’re over dying in slow motion, you might not know what to do, but you’ll find yourself amidst endless possibilities for a better and more fulfilling life. "The valley was just a place, and a place would no longer haunt her. She was broken and scarred, but she was here. She had beaten it." I've come close to not beating it. And I'm so glad I kept marching on. Things do get better, and time heals all wounds if you let it. This story, although filled with what seems like a never ending string of bad choices and luck, only stoked my resolve to keep marching on. "We don't get to choose the cards we're dealt, and sometime we are simply unprepared for the ones we do get." I hope this book offers closure for some, and for others, enlightenment. I hope it brings freedom and healing, because that's what it's done for me. It reassured my footsteps and left me with one of the best feelings to have: hope. Summary:Kat Sells is living an ordinary life when a part of her past suddenly comes back to haunt her. Now, Kat must confront her dark past to help her first love get home to his family in the hope of helping him move on
Spanning decades, follow Kat as she tries to right her wrongs and face the traumatic past that she tried to leave behind her. Tied to you is a story about redemption, forgiveness and the journey to find yourself and learning to love yourself again.
My Review:5 stars. Something I really appreciate about this book is it's short, sweet, and to the point. It isn't dull or bland, but it keeps you invested, wanting to learn more, especially as someone who's new to all of this. This book is a helpful, well-written, and easily understandable gem, even if you aren't opening your own trucking company. It's jam-packed full with tips and guidance about taxes, expenses, and staying organized. I had no idea it was this intricate, and I'll definitely be taking all of this knowledge with me in my small business and using this book for reference. Summary:Avoid the headaches of managing your business finances by following this effortless approach
It’s an exciting time to be part of the trucking industry--hauling over 80% of the country’s total cargo, and projected to continue its strong performance in the years to come. As a new business owner, it’s natural to prioritize sales, loads, and getting your business noticed. But neglecting to set up the financial side of your business is effectively setting yourself up for failure. Not knowing if you’re running out of cash, or if your price covers all your costs, means that you don’t know whether you’re making money or not. And a business that doesn’t keep tabs on how much money they’re making (or losing) won’t be able to survive that long. In fact, 85% of new trucking companies fail to reach their second year, partly due to problems with managing costs. If you don’t want your business to end up the same way, it’s essential that you’re able to get your finances in order. However, with all the information, paperwork, and rules involved in running a transport business, it’s easy to lose track of what you need to monitor. With a well-planned, organized, and clutter proof system, you’ll have your finances running like a well-oiled machine so you can focus on building your business. In CDL Minded Accounting, you will discover:
Even if you have an accountant, it is still ultimately up to you as the business owner to make the financial decisions for your company. By understanding the numbers that are relevant to your operations, you can make better choices that will ensure your business’ survival and prosperity. Take your finances seriously and give your business a better chance of succeeding. If you want to stay on top of your finances and ensure profitability for your business, then scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button right now. This anthology has been a lot of fun to be a part of. I love the authors that have included their wonderful stories and I’m excited for the world to finally see them. They are all so talented and wonderful. It’s a scifi and fantasy anthology with one theme: water. Add this to your TBR because you don’t want to miss it! My entry is named “The Seraphic Item.” Title: Sea Among Stars (Ocean Anthology) Release date: June 20th, 2023 Check out the amazing authors in this anthology! Erelah Emerson | @poetry.rae Anna Augustine | @anna_augustine_author Catherine Kopf | @catherinekopfauthor K. Weikel | @kweikelofficial Nathaniel Luscombe | @hecticreadinglife Cheyenne van Langevelde | @thedancingbardess Anna Ford | @midnightwritelife Sarah Calaway | @bookwormsarah_._ Anne J. Hill | @anne.j.hill.editing Shawn P.B. Robinson | @shawnpbrobinson Review: Overcoming Anxiety Disorders: Practical Strategies To Get Rid Of Anxiety, Fears, And Phobias2/21/2023 My Review:5 stars I love each book I read by Gustavo Fonte, and this one is no different. This book is filled with tips and tricks on how to lower anxiety, ones I will definitely keep in mind for future reference. I also really like it it delves into the spiritual aspect as well, something I feel is often overlooked when this subject is discussed, as well as how powerful your mind can be. It doesn't have to be a prison, and this is a wonderful tool to break you out. If you're wanting to understand how to manage, control, or eventually wipe anxiety off the map, look no further. I recommend this book for anyone who's looking to wrangle their mind, body, and emotions and take back control over their lives. As always, I appreciate how gentle and kind Dr. Fonte's books are. They don't judge you for what you're going through, and they are kind with their words and tips. Summary:Are you fearful, worried, or nervous all of the time? Do you have difficulties sleeping, or are you weary and anxious all of the time? Do you ever wonder why you can’t seem to stop worrying and being afraid? Do you wish you could get over these obstacles and start living the life you desire?
Anxiety is frequently identified as a result of these feelings and emotions. Worry and dread are natural reactions of the brain in response to a variety of events that cause an imbalance or a problem in our everyday routine. Everyone has moments in their lives when they feel as if the world is about to come crashing down around them. It’s difficult to put into words the sensations of tension, helplessness, and fear that run rampant through our heads during these times. We believe we would be overjoyed if we could just vanish and reappear when unpleasant moments in our lives passed. While this is a perfectly normal reaction to stressful situations, there are times when these feelings and ideas become so regular that they begin to dominate our lives. When something happens, you’ve crossed the boundary from normal to abnormal. If your dread has become so pervasive and debilitating that you are unable to perform even the most basic physical activities, you have a much more serious problem that must be addressed. This ailment, known as anxiety disorder, affects a large number of people. It’s possible to have an anxiety disorder if our reactions to certain events are much bigger than the reactions of other people to the same things. My Review:
"Remember, my darlings... evil will preach a gospel with half-truths. It smells good, but it lacks taste and substance."
I've always loved vampires. I thought this would be another generic vampire book, but WOW, was I wrong. This entire story is well-crafted and extremely imaginative. The pacing is great and the world is thought out, and every new discovery, every moment that introduced the reader to something even better than the last situation was perfectly executed. This book is FAR from disappointing, and a refreshing take on vampires--and demons? Oh, yeah. A lot of the fight scenes felt like I was watching an anime, which was a lot of fun. There were even lines that had me laughing out loud. The creepypasta and horror aspects were very well done and had me mesmerized. The creatures that were formed were highly terrifying. All in all, I loved every aspect of this story, and I recommend this for anyone who loves bloody vampire stories where vampires have been integrated into society (kind of reminds me of Tru Blood, come to think of it, but WAY better). This is definitely up there in my favorite books. It was a joy to read. Summary:
How do you respond when the same people who wish your kind extinct are the ones that need saving? What is the right thing to do? The world is falling apart, and the space between realities are shrinking more and more everyday. This world that humans and vampires share is being trampled on by an unknown force, and Malkiel and the Drăculești family seem to be the only ones standing in between the humans, and the insidious things that looms in the darkest and deepest parts of the earth.
My Review:I sit here after having finished this story, absolutely stunned. I really, really enjoyed this. It's short and simple and has God all throughout it--which is always a win to me. I love the Bible verses throughout and how they related to the situations these characters were going through. The book could have been longer, but at the same time, I really liked that it was short and sweet and to the point. This is a wonderful story and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 5 stars. Summary:
The faith of the people is fading. The Followers, who pledged an undying confidence in the Forever One and whom destiny had preserved to become slayers of the giant Dragon of Darkness, are now questioning that faith and its relevance to their lives.
But all is not yet lost. From a distant land, six travelers cross mountains and rivers to arrive in the town, determined to reignite the passion of the people for the Forever One. Four brothers, Nikolaos, Vassilis, Topher, Michalis, and Yiannis, and their sister, Kleopatra, their faith is as unshakeable as their trust in each other and despite the gathering danger they face, they are prepared to face it as they instill a renewed belief in the people that the Word of the Forever One is still of value. But when Mathias, a disguised persecutor from another town, is placed firmly in the line of danger, what, if anything, can be done to protect him? And can the Followers prevail and return peace to the land of Perea? Part one of The Invisible Sword of Flames takes you on a journey like never before. A twisting, turning adventure, packed with divine power, mystery, and the will of true believers. |
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November 2024