Summary:My academic life at Alderidge University was meant to be predictable. As the daughter of acclaimed professors, lecture halls were my childhood playground. Little did I know that the pages of my future were about to be irrevocably rewritten the moment Nathaniel Nightingale entered my life.
His scar-laden hands told me he had a haunted past. But when I discover the truth about his secret studies, I learn that violent history extends generations. His ancestors were hunted and hanged for that they could do. And when he learns my own family lines go back to the Salem witch trials, he invites me to join in his experiments with the arcane and academic—the resurrection of magic. It isn’t just our clandestine studies bringing us together. Nathaniel is a mystery to unravel, but with every shared secret and stolen glance, I find myself craving more than just his whip smart mind. Which will burn me first? The magnetic pull of dangerous love, or the reckless practice of the ancient arts?
Summary:The Chicago Night Council has been working for decades to make this city a safe haven for our kind, but the person who could tear it all down just showed up on our doorstep. Orlando Badillo bears the answers to Roman’s past, but finding a long-lost relative isn’t a blessing when he brings with him a lineage we never expected and a duty Roman never asked for.
If Orlando uncovers the truth about our actions within the city, it will unleash chaos that could prove fatal for us all. It’s a game of diversion, false stories, and clandestine meetings, but when I fall pawn to this dangerous dance on eggshells, Roman must strike a deal with the person he’d most like to behead right Sebastian. Emotions were raw before, but things have changed, and now Sebastian’s accusations are manifesting into reality. I never saw it coming, but somehow, I’ve fulfilled Archer King’s last prophesy. Roman and I would have gladly killed each other at one point, but that all changed when we became the keepers of one another’s deepest secrets. Our bond has grown, defying all odds. For the first time, I've discovered soul-binding authenticity and true emotional intimacy with the most unexpected partner. Love and loyalty come in many dangerous forms. How far does allegiance stretch when your heart has been broken? Who can you truly trust when the danger puts everyone you’ve ever cared for in mortal peril? The city’s future teeters on a knife’s edge, and someone will have to step forward to protect it, even if it means paying the ultimate price.
Summary:My life has never been simple or easy, but now it’s gone completely haywire. I severely underestimated how much Sebastian was juggling, and now that he’s gone missing, it’s all landing on my shoulders. The hospital, the blood trade, and a position on the council—they’re all mine now, whether I’m ready for them or not.
Things get infinitely more complicated when the Superintendent of Police launches an investigation into Sebastian’s disappearance, and I’m her primary suspect. She thinks I killed Sebastian so I could take everything I now have. Even more? She fully believes Roman and I were having an affair, and we offed him so we could be together. And it’s getting near impossible to convince anyone any different. Relationships change. The person I once feared most in this city is now the one I trust most. How many times can you save someone’s life before everyone thinks you’re in love with him? How many times until you start to question if the rumor is that far from the truth? I have a ward full of comatose vampires who are relying on me to find a way to wake them up. The entire supernatural population of Chicago is at risk. I do not have time to land in jail. This wicked heart of mine needs to stop making my life so complicated.
My Review:The ending of the last book gave me pause when it came to starting this next book. Even still, I picked it right back up and was not disappointed. The merged kingdoms have their fair share of problems, issues, and uphill battles--not to mention a war that breaks out.
The fight scenes were well done, and I enjoyed most of the characters and being inside their head. The politics are just as great as the previous books. This one readies the reader for everything to come in the next books in the series, and I can't wait to see what happens then. It's like everything's in its place, and this is the jump-off point for a new adventure. Great read, can't wait for the next.
It's finally out, the fifth book in the Underdogs series! Thank you to those of you who preordered Esme's story. I didn't think I'd enjoy writing it as much as I did, and I hope you fall in love with the character and you sympahtize with her situaion. I'm so excited to hear what you think. Get it on Amazon (link below) or you can purchase the ebook right here from my website!
My Review:An amazing ending to a thrilling story. I think this has surpassed my former favorite by Keary Taylor, Branded. The characters were raw and real and emotional, and I enjoyed every second of it. I was hoping it would end the way it did, thanks to Garden of Graves’ ending, and I loved seeing the aftermath after everything kind of… exploded.
Amazing series. Enjoyed every moment.
Another great installment for this series. I love knowing (or at least remembering the basics) of the history and the past stories in this universe. It deepens my connections to everything happening and moments the characters have while interacting.
The depth of love Logan/Sevan and Cyrus feel and express is the best romances I've read in a while, and it's so heartwarming to read about, especially when I'm familiar with this kind of end-all love in the real world. I love the politics in these books, and that Logan is at the heart of it all. This feels like one of the most complicated and well-executed plotlines Keary Taylor's ever come up with, and I'm here for it. I have one more book, and I'm excited to see how this all wraps up.
It's been a long time coming, but Go is officially released! I rewrote this book 4-6 times trying to get it just right. I hope you enjoy Cass/Cassandra's stories and all the chaos it includes. Get it on Amazon (link below) or purchase the ebook directly from my shop.
There are also two versions for the paperback (hardcover coming soon): full color and black and white. I did color because I used a few in the original document. There's a black and white version (B&W) to keep the price low for you, if you don't want to pay the extra money for color. Go does include some artwork/photomanipulations I made in Photoshop. Thanks so much for your support!
My Review:I loved seeing the budding relationship, and the complications of the politics within this book. This is by far the best series Keary Taylor's crafted so far. I love the characters and the depths we reach with them, including Alivia and Ian. The flashbacks are magnificently done, like a movie, and transitions are perfect. I loved every moment of this, and I can't wait for the next book.
Note: most Amazon links are affiliate links. This does not cost you any extra money.
November 2024